Time to push myself with a run streak...
218 days of running, can I do it?
Anyone who knows me that for all I appear to be quite driven, I'm actually quite lazy. Sometimes putting the minimal effort in to achieve something. So when I completed the 50 mile December challenge it was a sure bet that my mileage would only just tip over the scales. And at roughly 53 miles, it did.
So this year I'm trying to be better. I'm not going to set myself unobtainable New Year resolutions like giving up alcohol, chocolate and coffee, with a small child and a busy lifestyle these are all things that help me get through the day.
What I will do is commit to running at least 2 miles every day until August when we head to South Africa for three weeks. I'm 5 days into a streak and we head out on the 5th August. That's 213 days away and gives me a streak of 218. This kind of psychology works for me. I know if I don't do it every day I've failed, rather than cramming it all in at the end this makes me commit and works with my stubbornness...
This Runners World article goes into the Run Streak in more detail. Not only is it good motivation, an average calorie burn of around 100 calories for me per mile would see me burning up at least an extra 43,600 calories. If I changed nothing else at all this could equate to a 12 pound weight loss for me, did I mention I like chocolate?
But it's not about the pounds, its about the commitment. I'm committing to a more dedicated me in 2016 and this is just the start.
Now the only logistic I have to overcome is our Half Term Ski holiday in France, our lodge is on a mountain surrounded by snow. There will be nowhere to run. So I'm thinking if I ski every day, it still counts? Doesn't it? or maybe laps up and down the stairs?
Wish me luck everyone! and if you fancy joining me on a run, please do. I'll need the company!
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